Saturday, September 18, 2004

two days in a row !

This is definitely a first... well actually, this would have to be the second in order for it to be a first...which it is indeed. Two days in a row and I'm surprising myself with my dedication to this blog!
Ok, so I've spent a couple of hours exploring MovableType now.. it's taken that long to just upload the files into the right directories at my web hosts...
The good news is that I was looking through some documentation at one of my hosting providers ( and they've got a little special section just for installing and configuring MovableType... so hopefully that should make life easier.

Friday, September 17, 2004

A blog is born....

The birth of a new blog... and all the noise that goes with it...drum roll boom boom etc etc...
First order of business: I introduce my existing online assets!!! :)
the award-winning website:
the award-winning photographs are at
the all-important email address: shabad(at)chawla dot name
Next I tell the world about myself... I am very bored at the moment, hence the time and patience to start blogging ( I set up this account in Sept 2003... for some long-forgotten reason, but this is the first proper post to it.. I had a job then, you see!). Currently helping a friend with a website ( .. ). Not exactly my idea of fun... but what the hey...

Arrived in Delhi on the 26th of June 2004..... Enjoyed the last twelve weeks by getting to spend time with friends, family etc... done more partying in the last few weeks than I did in the last year... (not counting vacations to Russia, Goa, Prague and Croatia). Managed a few trips... to Chail in Himachal Pradesh, Kotkhai in Himachal Pradesh, and Mandawa in Rajasthan.. wish I had taken pictures, but wasn't in the mood... did enjoy the trips though and loads of driving.
Himachal and Rajasthan.. definitely amongst the most beautiful states in the country, and my favourites..

For anyone who has no clue what I'm on about, and might help a bit... I'm being lazy here... these are the official websites.. if you want to know more.... do a Google search like everyone else !!!

Time to go and do what I was doing that led me back to blogger... looking for a good digital publishing platform for the not-so-tech-savvy...
found interesting stuff / software so far....

Picasa: ( ---good reviews, and it's FREE!!
Adobe Photoshop Album: ( -- starter edition is FREE.
Movable Type: interesting static/dynamic php-capable publishing platform.. limited edition is FREE!!!!!
i-view MediaPro: great reviews.. must investigate further....and ramble less!

Blog born.. seems to have grown already!!! :-)

Gotta go explore now...