Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After a couple of decidedly dodgy decisions about what to release as "critical" updates, it looks like the folks at Redmon are still at it ... Here's an entry from my list of available updates...

I didn't realise that Hold 'Em Poker was that important to the welfare of my computer. Oh well, I'll just have to install it then :-)

p.s. This comes under the Ultimate Extras category - so non Vista Ultimate users may not see it - what a shame :-)

Live Mesh Tech Preview...

Microsoft are previewing their new online synchronistation / collaboration technology called Live Mesh at - limited on a first-come first-serve basis, it looks like a very interesting service that combines bits of Groove (for syncing & sharing files, folders etc), Live SkyDrive (for web-based access to your stuff), a bit of GoToMyPC-type browser-based remote access and a few other bits drawn from the likes of Live Messenger's lame "Sharing Folders" feature.

Each of these features in isolation is pretty useful depending on your work habits - but combining them all together in one nice shiny package (it looks pretty slick) seems like a very clever idea - and as soon as they get the Mac and Mobile versions sorted out (they're still under development) then this should be one hell of an app. Or service. Whatever you choose to call it - so far so good, I say.