Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is it just me or is this getting silly?

Reading the latest comments that Mozilla have made about the Windows 7 browser issue has made me feel like a crazy person. Have a look at for a brief run-down.

Here's my opinion. I think Microsoft should put in a compulsory IQ test as part of the OOBE experience. The IQ test should consist of questions testing your reasoning based on your knowledge of Maori traditions & the mating habits of cicadas. Depending on your score you should be assigned a browser (the highest scores get IE8, the lowest scores get IE8, the ones in between get IE8).

Is it just me or is this whole thing getting a bit ridiculous? Does the EU (or anyone else) really believe that all of this toing and froing is actually having a dramatic positive impact on the lives of poor innocent consumers who have heretofore been subjected to browser tyranny by the evil corporation?

Seriously, Microsoft make an OS. They should choose what they want in it.

Ford make cars, why don't the EU force them to offer a choice of different manufacturer's steering wheels when you take delivery?

Can you imagine buying a car and then being told that you have to pick a steering wheel out of seven choices? Because obviously greater choice is a good thing. Each type of wheel has advantages and disadvantages, but 99% of buyers won't have a clue what they are. Some steering wheels will work well on rainy days and some will work well only on country roads, but unless you're a mechanic or engineer you don't know which one is which. You then have to install the steering wheel yourself - because that is what real choice is about, right? And of course the best bit is that you can't actually drive the car until you've made your choices and installed it. And to top it all off you've had to pay for the cost of including all those steering wheel options in your car.

Consumers are buying a Microsoft OS voluntarily. If they don't like it, they shouldn't buy it. Or, buy it and then tweak it to suit them. It takes about 5 minutes to download and install Chrome on a PC these days, and it was the first thing I did on this computer - actually it was the second, the first was to install AV. I then proceed to forget that IE exists, except for use with those sites whose developers have decided to only cater to IE (as is their prerogative). I already have the choice to download and install whatever browser I want - why should we end up paying for this sh**storm (where do you think the money comes from to pay all of Microsoft's lawyers, PR folks, corp comms folks, developers etc etc) that the EU and it's cohorts are stirring up?

If it wasn't going to cost me more money (taxpayer money this time) for wrongful dismissal lawsuits, commissions & investigatory committees, I'd suggest that someone sack the lot of bright sparks who decided that this whole thing was an idea worth pursuing. And while we're at it, let's investigate Mozilla, Google, the FSF, GNU, i4i and every other FOSS vendor and "related party" for collusion & conspiracy to commit fraud.

Looks like I'm stuffed either way.