Skype Beta
A quick one about another beta - the new skype beta is out, available for anyone to download, from here. Again, haven't played much with it, but 3 things I noticed & liked:
- Browser extensions that recognise phone numbers in your browser (works in Firefox, can't see it working in IE6 & Opera at the moment - not sure why) and turn them into clickable links with a little flag showing what country code Skype thinks it should use - Nice! Except that I wish voipcheap (more later) had this instead of skypeout!
- Skypecasts & the Live tab... seems like cast-fever & Live-fever is catching on here. Welcome to the next big thing :-) But they're pretty interesting features, and I can see them being of some use, even if in just limited ways as free radio stations or free conference calls! But I actually caught a bit of one yesterday and immediately saw something interesting .. see the Wireless Electricity Becomes a Reality article. Most I've looked briefly at since have all been crap, noise and weird noises & heavy breathing. No thanks.
- Auto updates: maor releases & hotfixes both. Finally. I always wondered why they didn't do this a long time ago. As with Apple for their software. Maybe they (apple) argue that unlike Microsoft software their's didn't break & need a patch every 30 seconds, but they do have a steady stream of updates, why not automate it (or provide the option) years ago? I would have been using newer versions of iTunes much quicker if the bloody thing didn't ask me to spend half an hour on it. A new version is available - would you like to download? Click yes. Get taken to the Apple site where it looks like you have to give them your email address, but you don't. Click iPod+iTunes and download about 3 times, choose where to save the file, wait for it to come down (massive bloody bloated files, too - I want a media player that's no more than a 5mb download). Double-click setup.exe or whatever and then follow the damn installshield wizard. Man oh man. Couldn't we have just left it at the first time I said YES??? Anyway, this isn't about Apple... this is Skype. So anyway, apparently Skype will do it's thing on it's own now and not ask me to follow a similar apple-esque waste-of-time mind-numbing hair-tearing cringe-making crappily thought out process that makes me wonder how these guys ever came up with a whole piece of software, if they couldn't even think this through. Funnily enough, the major-version update option was set to automatic on my installation, but the hotfix (for patches, bugfixes etc) was set to "Ask". That's a bit weird isn't it?