Friday, November 17, 2006

Word 2007 - things that make you smile

It's sad, I know. I've already been told as much. It's not healthy to get so happy by something so foolish. Yet every once in a while a computer does something CLEVER. And it makes me happy :-)

Using Word 2007 about five minutes ago, and I was writing a bulleted list like I have done a thousand times before. What I was doing slightly differently was using a differently formatted heading for each point, something like this:
  • Heading: This is the bulleted item.
  • Heading 2: This is another one.
I've probably done this a few times before, but I don't do it that often. And I've also recently (since Word 2007) gotten a bit organised and created templates with custom styles so that I can save myself some formatting overhead. All the stuff was there before, and I even used it once in a while, but I hadn't integrated it into my workflow. I have now, so that's one good thing that Office 2007 has prompted.

Anyway, back to my smile :-). I had just typed the second item in this list & hit enter for the next one. I suddenly realised that the foromatting had switched and I was typing in orange text. I figured this must be a mistake and Word screwing up as usual, but I continued to type. As soon as I had written the 2-word heading and typed the colon, the formatting changed back to black! And I thought I had seen the lightning-bolt-Office-has-changed-something-to-a-way-that-makes-more-sense-to-it-but-you-can-change-it-back-if-you-want icon, so I did it again in a new document, and there it was!! Word can automatically format the beginning of lists differently! How cool... I knew the big brains at Microsoft had to be up to something all these years :-p. Anyway, I'm not sure if you need to use styles or if normal formatting will do the trick. Wait, I'll check... OK it'll work even with manual formatting, not just styles. And I'm not sure if this is something new to Word 2007... wait, I'll check on 2003: OK, 2003 can do it too. Kinda sad because it's nice to come across proper "new" features, rather than one of the 1,645 that were always there but you never noticed. But even so. I like it, and I'll even throw in a shot of what the dialog in 2007 looks like:
It's the first setting in the "Automatically as you type" section.

And I enjoyed it.

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